Who can use the library?
All GC students, faculty, and staff have access to all library services. We also welcome our community patrons, but with limited access to library services.
- GC students, faculty and staff will need a GALVESTON COLLEGE ID card to check out materials.
- Community members may obtain a College Library Card for a $20 annual fee. The requirements for community members are the patron must be over 16 years of age, a resident within the boundaries of the Galveston College Tax District, have a valid Texas photo ID card, and must be clear of outstanding fines or fees at the patron's local library. Patrons must have a Texas photo ID and proof of residency, such as a utility bill, with them in order to obtain their card.
- Community members follow the same procedures as Galveston College students and staff, but there are limitations on loan periods and the number of items loaned. Community members cannot access databases or other electronic resources that require authentication.
- To obtain a community card, fill out and submit the Community Patron Card Request Form. The GC Library will retain one copy of the form for record keeping and another copy must be delivered to the Business Office, along with the $20 annual fee. Following the transaction, the library will need a copy of the $20 receipt from the Business Office. After the receipt has been filed, the IT/Media Services department will issue a library community card that will give the patron a year of access to checkout books at the GC library.
Computers are available for current GC students, faculty, and staff. The library does not have public computers.
For more information, please visit the Library Policies for All Patrons page.